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 Beixi Li 

I'm a business student with a love for words and stories. Caught up in the ceaseless rush of young professional anxiety, I almost lost touch with this passion, but captured and found it at the last minute.


I'm a soon to be college graduate with tentative visions of my future and even more tentative visions of what I want in life. If these four years have taught me anything​, it's that the future can change in the blink of an eye and sometimes the best moments are the ones that we live in everyday.


I'm a reflector who didn't always take the time to reflect. When I finally broke out of my schedule packed with meetings and deliverable, and took the time to look around, I realized how important reflection was.


I am still fighting for what I want and how to get there, but I've learned to take the road as it comes and to revel in the wonderful scenery we're able to pass through.

"Carpe diem, carpe rosam"

"Seize the day before it is spent; gather the flowers before they lose their bloom"

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